Who is Tango?

Instead of a bad ending, Tango’s story is really good. He was born in Holmes County in Ohio. An Amish family bought his mother when she was pregnant. They wanted her to drive their buggy. They thought Tango would be born as a bay (brown) standardbred just like his mother. Boy were they wrong!
Tango was far from bay. He was black and white and as ornery as could be. His feet and legs were gigantic and so was his head. Tango looked like a character from a cartoon! Amish people don’t use flashy horses to drive their buggies. To them Tango was flashy.
I found out about Tango and went to see him. I actually bought Tango by the pound… just the way they sell meat.
Tango had to be in isolation when I first brought him home. That means that he had to be by himself. He hadn’t had any of his shots yet. Just like you, Tango needed his vaccinations.
I think that’s why Tango acts like a dog instead of a horse. Everyday I would go to see Tango in his special pasture. He would hear my jeep coming and run the fence line when he saw me. Then I would spend time with him. Just Tango and me. He still comes galloping when I call him.Image – Tango and Jan Mader
That’s where our relationship began. In that green pasture Tango pony and I came to be great friends. In that pasture Tango and I bonded. In that pasture Tango learned he could trust me.
And in that pasture, never in my wildest imagination, did I dream of the places Tango and I would go. I never dreamed of the things that Tango and I would do. I only knew that I loved Tango and Tango loved me.
Tango isn’t alone anymore. He’s a beautiful big horse who spends time with his horse friends in a lovely green pasture. Now you can love Tango and much as I do. We have so many things to tell you!
Did you know that Tango and Tilly books, cards, and pictures will be at the Winterfair this weekend? We’ll be at the Mulitipurpose Buildomg on the the Ohio State Fair Grounds on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We think that giving a child a book to read is the best gift of all!
Did you know that Tango will come to visit your school? Cal 614-556-7006 to schedule a visit.
Sign up for the Tango and Tilly newsletter to get great tips for your horse and learn exciting new facts every month. Tilly learns something new about horses every single day and you can too! It doesn’t matter if you are a horse owner of a horse lover. You will learn enough about horses to write your own book!
Ask Tilly anything about the Horses
If you are anything like Tilly you are curious about everything. You might want to know why ticks bury themselves in your dog’s fur. You might want to know why horses shouldn’t eat too much spring grass. You might even want to know where to find great deals on clothes to wear for riding. Tilly knows a lot! Ask Tilly.