Books – Tango and Tilly

Giddy-Up and Go, Tango!
Designed especially for young children. Its colorful pictures and playful text engage children while teaching directional and spatial concepts.

Tango and Tilly Mayor’s Missing Cat
Everyone in the town of Appletush agrees that Tilly and her horse Tango go together like peanut butter and jelly! When Tilly hears that the mayor has lost his cat she’s on a mission. What is the misson? To find the cat and win the donuts that are offered for a whole year as a reward! Oh how Tilly loves Baker Bart’s donuts! Tilly and Tango head out to search the town. They visit the post office, the fire hall, the pond, and the park, but there’s no sign of the missing cat! How will Tango and Tilly win the sweet reward? Find out in The Mayor’s Missing Cat, the first of many adventures for this funny red-headed girl and her spunky horse!

Tango and Tilly’s Cherry Pie Day
Tango and Tilly’s Cherry Pie Day is an exciting adventure. It begins with the sweet smell of cherry pie as it cools on Tilly’s country window sill. It ends with a rescue to beat all rescues!
Tango and Tilly have to decide what to do after they find an orphaned baby raccoon. Darkness is falling. Will they leave the baby? Will Tilly’s parents send out a search team? Who is going to be in big trouble? Will it be Tilly? Will it be the baby raccoon?
Read Tango and Tilly’s Cherry Pie Day to find out what happens!

Tango and Tilly Back to School
Summer was almost over and Tilly wanted to make sure Tango knew all his new tricks before school started. Tango was smart! He learned fast. But was Tango too smart? Would his new tricks get him into big trouble? Read Back to School and find out who really goes back to school! It’s an awesome adventure you won’t want to miss.

Tango and the Little Red Hen
The Little Red Hen is beloved classic folktale. Now Tango has joined forces with this hardworking hen! Imagine the fun of this updated story with Tango and the Little Red Hen working together.

Ready to Ride!
Have you ever wanted to ride a horse? It is a lot of fun! Before you go for a ride, you have to get your horse ready! After you read READY TO RIDE, you’ll know just what to do. Tango’s friend, Tilly, will show you!

Tango joins the Force: Training for the Mounted Patrol
Not just any horse can become a member a member of the mounted patrol! Follow Tango through countless hours of police horse training. See if he has what it takes!

Count the Reasons Tango and Tilly Love the Seasons
Tango and Tilly explore the fun in all the seasons. In winter, spring summer and fall Tango and Tilly enjoy them all!

Tango and Tilly Cookbook
Tango and Tilly share some of their favorite recipes because of course, apples and carrots are delicious! Apples are a great addition to many dishes such as warmed chunky apples served over ice cream. Carrots are the base for building tasty dishes such as crunchy slaw or roasted carrots topped with honey. We’ve selected recipes that you’ll enjoy making and serving to anyone you love. Together apples and carrots make a perfect pair just like Tango and Tilly.

How Tilly Got Tango
We all know that Tilly got Tango, but how did that happen? After attempting to be a pet owner fails, Tilly works hard to show her parents that she can be responsible. This engaging story tells how Tilly’s parents know she is ready to have the pet she has always wanted. Read along as Tilly learns about responsibility and what she must do to take care of an animal. After reading about what Tilly learns, maybe you will be able to show your parents you are ready for a pet, too!

Write and Color with Tango and Tilly!
Read and Write with Tango was designed just for you. Put Tango’s spots on him. Draw some scenery in each picture. Use the writing activities and have fun! Play with words. Create new stories. Don’t stop with the activities. Keep writing! It is so much fun to read and write your own stories. You are an author!

Tango and Tilly’s Night Before Christmas
Twas the night before Christmas and Tango was missing! Where could he be? Can Tilly possibly celebrate Christmas without her best friend, Tango? Read this charming remake of The Night Before Christmas and delight in the playful words and joyful Christmas story.

Tango and Tilly’s No Turkey Thanksgiving
When Tango becomes friends with the farm turkey Thanksgiving day is turned upside down. Tilly and Tango decide there will be no turkey on the Thanksgiving table but not everyone agrees. Will there be anything to be thankful for this year? Can Tilly convince her parents that Mr. Tuttle’s fish will go well with mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie? Oh dear! Find out what happens when Tilly takes a stand.