Who is Tilly? Tilly is you. She is me. She’s a girl who is smart and adventuresome. She is a girl who knows how to solve problems and have fun at the same time. She is a girl who is more interested in animals than the way she looks. And Tilly is a girl who loves to laugh. She loves to laugh long. She loves to laugh loud. Tilly will make you want to laugh right along with her.
Tilly is a girl who loves life and is full of spice and vinegar. She loves her family and cherishes her relationships. Tilly knows her own mind. She follows her heart but she respects the opinions of others. Tilly is strong and loyal. Tilly is someone that everyone would like to have for a best friend.
How do I know these things? Because the character of Tilly is based on me as a child. She is filled with all the traits that I valued then and I value now. Every single Tango and Tilly story is based on truth. The events in the story happened in some way, shape, or form. That’s what make the books so much fun for me to write.
Even Tilly’s name came from a truth. My mother had a friend by the name of Tillie Tuttle. That name just feels good to say. I love the way it sounds when it rolls out of my mouth and onto a piece of paper. I love words and so does Tilly.
The real Tillie Tuttle lived in Newcomerstown, Ohio. From what I remember, Newcomerstown was a lot like Appletush. Everyone knew everyone. It was safe to go outside to play anywhere.
The small stores in town knew who you were the minute you walked in the door. They knew Tillie. They knew my mother and my grandmother. So did the library, the school, and the post office.
Tango and Tilly is a series of books for kids who have horses in their blood and animals in their hearts. It’s a series of books to be read for the joy of reading.
Ask Tilly!
If you are anything like Tilly you are curious about everything. You might want to know why ticks bury themselves in your dog’s fur.
You might want to know why horses should not eat too much spring grass.
You might even want to know where to find great deals on clothes to wear for riding.
Simply ask Tilly! She knows a lot. Or, sign up to the Team Tango Membership where you can get answers to all those questions and much, much more!
If she doesn’t know the answer she has a pocket-full of experts who she respects. Tilly will do the best she can to find the answer to your questions.
Tilly can answer questions about other animals too. She has owned, loved, and rescued more animals than you can count on your hands and feet. She knows a lot of good rescue groups too.
It Tilly can’t find the answer to your question she will tell you so. She’s just that kind of girl.